Dataprep Sports and Recreation Club (DSC) is a society registered with the Registry of Societies under the Societies Act 1966. Historically, the club was inherited from Solsis (M) Sdn Bhd which joined the Dataprep group on 27 March 1993 and was registered with the Registry of Societies under the name of ‘Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi Solsis’ on 19 March 2002.
On 28th March 2006, the club amended its name to ‘Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi Dataprep’ to better reflect the composition of its members which now comprises of Datapreneurs from all companies under the Dataprep Group.
Membership of DSC is open to all staff under the Dataprep Group. The club’s office bearers are elected annually from existing members of DSC. Helming the DSC is the President and assisted by the Vice President whilst other elected posts in the club are the Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Equipment Coordinator and DSC Committee Members. Another important post in DSC is the Sports Club Advisor who is appointed by the Group’s Management from amongst the Group’s Managing Directors to oversee and advise on the sports club’s activities.
In line with its objectives to create a balance between work and play within the group, DSC as the purveyor of fun, organizes a variety of activities for its members. DSC actively facilitates sporting activities every month for its members such as weekly badminton sessions, our very own Dataprep Football Team, futsal game sessions, our Dataprep Netball Team, go-kart races, bowling tournaments, paintball tournaments, table tennis sessions, billiard/pool, carom and much more on a regular basis. Beside sports, DSC also organizes recreational activities such as family days, outings and trips, welfare and charitable activities, dinners, eco activities, dance classes, cooking classes and many more for its members.
DSC not only strive to build a strong camaraderie spirit amongst its members, it also promotes a strong relationship with the group’s customers, business partners, vendors and affiliates by organizing friendly sport matches or tournaments with them. DSC enjoys a strong support from the management of Dataprep who recently allocated a room in Wisma Academy to be designated as the DSC’s Recreation Room. More fun and exciting activities can be expected from DSC in the future.